My New Business Launch Hello darlings, I sure have missed you. If you don’t already know, I’ve been majorly consumed with the launch of my new website. Have you seen it? Check it out… I feel really proud of it. I’ve been working on it since July last year, on and off trying to decide…
Reflections on Life
Life with a colostomy – Why we need more support in South Africa
Hello everyone, I know I’ve been really quiet the last few weeks. Life is pretty damn tough. Now that my son is no longer just sleeping all day and actually needs to be entertained, I have hardly any time for anything other than playing peek-a-boo and making bottles. It’s all worth it I swear. Remember…
The start of a new year and all things wonderful
2015 was a really hectic year for me. There were so many downs and a really really huge up with the birth of my son but after spending months at the hospital, I was ready to put the year behind me. After all, a new year represents new beginnings and fresh starts and all things…