If there is one thing I can’t stand it’s clutter. I honestly cannot handle things lying around where they should not be. Now there is a huge difference between a collection of something and clutter. So, that giant pile of books in the corner of my dining room, the one that has been waiting for…
Being Successful
Goal setting worksheets
I’ve spent so much time trying to figure out exactly what to do with my own life and getting it totally wrong but what really matters in the end is that I didn’t give up and now I’ve finally settled into a life I absolutely love and wouldn’t change. Now that I’m happy, I…
Featured Blogger of the Month – Introducing Just Ella Bella
South African Mom Blogs When I started blogging in January, literally three days before discovering I was pregnant, I would have laughed if you had told me that one day in the VERY near future I’d be blogging about my pregnancy and my plans for my baby’s arrival in September. I’d have laughed even louder…