Maecenas vulputate est magna, necvehicu la justo convallis quis. Ut luctus aque lacus nec accumsan. Sed ullamcorper dolor dui, eget rhoncus risus malesuada vel. Pellentesque dolor tortor, cursus non nisl ut, semper congue enim. Maecenas malesuada quam aclhm augue tempus vehicula. Nunc accusman cond nibh id tempus. Suspendisse eleifend luctus nulla ut bibendum. Sed nec…
Reflections on Life
Trends for Spring
Maecenas vulputate est magna, necvehicu la justo convallis quis. Ut luctus aque lacus nec accumsan. Sed ullamcorper dolor dui, eget rhoncus risus malesuada vel. Pellentesque dolor tortor, cursus non nisl ut, semper congue enim. Maecenas malesuada quam aclhm augue tempus vehicula. Nunc accusman cond nibh id tempus. Suspendisse eleifend luctus nulla ut bibendum. Sed nec…
Life after surgery! How it changed me and what I know for sure!
In September of 2015, I had my son – the best thing that has EVER happened to me. Unfortunately, with the best thing also came the worst thing. I nearly died and I woke up from emergency surgery with a colostomy. Life after an ostomy has had its challenges but it has also had its…