When I die, I want people to remember me for living a life that made me happy. I want my eulogy to be about the authentic way I lived instead of the things I amassed during my time. I want to be remembered by my son, for doing things my way, for following the path…
be unapologetically you
Confidence starts within ourselves! Here’s how to build confidence in yourself!
Why is self-confidence important? A lack of confidence in my own abilities is what single-handedly held me back from pursuing my dreams for far too long. I did not believe in myself or my abilities to achieve and I didn’t know how to build confidence in myself. One day, after coasting through life for far…
What does happiness mean to you?
I watched a movie recently, it was called Hector and the search for happiness. It’s a movie about a guy who goes off in search of what makes people happy. He’s a psychiatrist and he calls his journey “research” but the truth is, he’s out there looking for his own version of happy. It made…