I’ve heard it said about a million times before, to me, to others to the world in general. Oh you’ll regret them when you’re older… It’s tiresome, it’s boring and it’s not really helpful in any way. I often want to say not as much as you’ll regret being an asshole but the truth is,…
be unapologetically you
Letting go of that which no longer serves you
I’ve been decluttering for the last while. It’s refreshing. I’m really quite good at letting go of “junk”… I HATE clutter. I really can’t stand things lying around that don’t “belong” there which admittedly has something I’ve had to adjust to being married to the king of leaving things lying around. I usually do a…
Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many
Things are not always what they seem! That’s a fact. [bctt tweet=”Things are not always as they seem; the first appearance deceives many. Phaedrus #QOTD” username=”tyrannyofpink”] My friend Cass wrote a post on her blog Leather Jacket Foxes (how cool is this name?) about the difference between online and offline lives and I think you should read…