Every now and then I like to remind myself about all the wonderful things in the world that make me happy. Some of them are so materialistic but that’s okay, many of them are places and experiences and that’s even better. Simple things can really make my day and nothing in the world starts my day off more happily than being handed a cup of coffee by my husband while I lie around in bed (this happens every single day and I still thank my lucky stars for him) cuddling with my dog.
Life is wonderful
We need to spend more time thinking about how blessed we are by the sunrise, how lucky we are to be able to experience the world and all her wonders. This is a list of 50 things I love in the world. I had to physically MAKE myself stop there because I know you’d rather be off writing your own list. Just do it. It really makes you realise that the smallest things in the world can literally make you the happiest person.
Things I love
- Sunglasses
- Handbags
- Shoes – especially boots
- Summer
- Beach holidays
- Animals – especially my dogs
- Family
- Sunday lunch
- Wine
- Medium rare steak
- Chips
- Sushi
- Skinny jeans
- My leather jacket
- My wedding photos
- My husband – SO MUCH
- Sleeping in
- Lazy weekends
- Road trips
- Rock music
- Singing along
- Acoustic concerts
- Picnics
- Social media
- Art
- My walk in closet
- Intellectual conversations
- Conversations about nothing
- Silliness
- Hugs (from certain people)
- Cuddles with my Spaniel Jessie
- Reading
- Finding a really great new website
- Blogging
- Writing
- Being appreciated
- Newly dyed hair
- Good hair days
- Skulls
- Tattoos
- My birthday
- Presents
- Tutus – especially pink ones
- The colours pink and black
- Adventures
- Camping
- Getting lost in a new city
- Online shopping
- My home
I hope my list has inspired you to go off and write your own list. Sometimes knowing what you love helps you to make the decisions about your purpose. Write a list. Write 10 things down, write 20 things down, write 100 things down. Just make a list of things that you enjoy, things that make you happy. Things that make you – YOU! <3