There are those dark days, we all have them. We think we’re incapable and not good enough. We don’t believe in ourselves, we don’t think that we have what it takes. Then, we put our heads down, put in the hours and get it done! Suddenly, we are incredible and we’ve done exactly what we needed to do! BOOM! We’re the freaking badass that we always knew we could be. It’s not always easy but you’ve got to believe in yourself!
I wrote a post recently about that feeling you get when you don’t think you’re capable even though you are. I didn’t know until recently that Imposter Syndrome was a real thing. It’s the idea that you’re a fraud pretending to be capable of things you’re really not capable of. I keep returning to this idea. We live in a world where women are finally starting to move towards being equal to men, but there are still so many challenges standing in our way. We are still so far from achieving equality. We are always considered less than, less capable, less worthy, less able. In spite of being fully capable of providing benefits to the world of work, to parenting, to society, women are seen as less than. So it stands to reason that we would see ourselves in this light.
It’s sad and it bothers me. I don’t want to be taken as less capable than a man in any career or job of my choosing. So why then am I putting this self-doubt on myself. ESPECIALLY when the truth is, I’m probably twice as capable as many men out there.
In fact, I saw this comic on Facebook recently (It can be found here) and I felt proud of being a whiskey drinking woman! I hate that the world looks at women and thinks pink, pretty, delicate, weak. I am not weak, not by a long shot. You don’t have to drink whiskey to be cool or strong. That’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying, is that you are enough and you need to believe in yourself more! Do the things you love and be proud of being yourself!
The Tyranny of Pink
In fact, people often ask me what the name of my blog is all about. This is exactly what my blog is about. I’m a girl and I should be wearing pink all the time. Right? That’s what being a woman is about? PINK and PRETTY and DAINTY. I even had a woman critique my blog once because I didn’t seem “mumsy” enough to be a mommy blogger. I think that’s really small-minded. Just because I’m a mother does not mean I should fit into someone’s boxed idea of what being a mother should look like.
[bctt tweet=”Being a woman doesn’t mean you can’t be a badass! #BelieveInYourself”]
I’m not a delicate little wall flower. I’m not afraid to speak up for myself. I’m not afraid to drink what ever I want to drink and if that means a cocktail made with all things pink and delightful then I’m not afraid to do that. You see, being a woman, doesn’t mean you can’t be a bad ass. Being a woman does not mean you’ve got to play with dolls and want to spend all day at home making babies and cooking. BUT If that’s what you want to do, then by all means go freaking do that because THAT is what believing in yourself is all about. Be yourself. Always be yourself and be true to what that means. Don’t go around copying others and being their version of you. Don’t do what other people want you to do.
RELATED: Read this article I wrote called “Don’t live someone else’s version of your life”
Be proud of who you are
You’ve got to stand tall. Stand proud. Do the things that you want to do. Be good at the things you love. What ever they are. If your thing is cars, then go big or go home. It’s perfectly acceptable to be into cars and own a vagina. Just saying. You don’t have to be some one else’s version of yourself. You don’t have to live up to someone else’s standards. You don’t have to do a damn thing that doesn’t make you happy.
Starting today, stop doubting yourself! Stop telling yourself that you can’t, you aren’t good enough, you aren’t strong enough, you aren’t able. You just have to believe in yourself. Believe that you are capable. You are able. You are wonderful! You’re a woman. You can do anything you set your mind to!
Karen Shatafian says
Love, Love, Love this! Spot on! Thank you for sharing this! And I’m a whiskey drinkin’ gal, too!
TyrannyofPink says
Thanks Karen!
Cheers to bold women!
UnglamorousGirl says
Brilliant post – its mad that we have faith and trust in other people but we don’t believe in ourselves! It can be so debilitating!
TyrannyofPink says
Thank you!! I absolutely agree with you – ridiculous. Now, when people compliment me or something I’ve done, I’m making a real effort to believe them. Why can’t these great things be true about me too! xx
Aida KP says
HI Jonelle! Thank you for the reply. It’s our pleasure to be able to send you the Heart Catcher t-shirt! It’s actually my favorite Just sent you an e-mail! Here is wishing you a good evening and please keep in touch.
Instagram: simplybelieve_clothing
Monica Bruno says
Great post, Jonelle! I was smiling the whole time I was reading it. It’s crazy how women have to work twice as hard as men to prove our self-worth and we’re often paid less. We’re expected to be strong and vulnerable at the same time. You go girl, I love your strength!
TyrannyofPink says
Thanks Monica It’s ridiculous isn’t it… we spend so much of our lives “proving” ourselves that we have little time left to just enjoy the world. We have to wear all these magical hats and juggle them all without hesitation. Pfft… We rock!
Aida KP says
Amazing blog post! Your words spoke to me and I believe a lot of people can relate to it! Thank you! If you get a chance, please visit We hope to inspire with artistic designs on t-shirts and hats. If there is a t-shirt or hat that you happen to like, please let me know and we’ll send you one as a thank you for inspiring the world with your writing. Have a beautiful day and live inspired! Kindest regards.
TyrannyofPink says
Wow! Aida, thank you so much for your kind words and incredible offer! I absolutely love your designs!
I’m so honoured to be offered one of them! I love the heart catcher T-shirt, it’s really cool
Would you pop me an email at and I can send you my address?
Thank you so much and may you have a beautiful day <3
Laura says
I didn’t realize Imposter Syndrome was real, but reading this I was like “this is totally me sometimes!” thanks for such a beautiful job of explaining it
TyrannyofPink says
Thanks so much Laura. Honestly, when I discovered it, it was like everything just clicked into place.
ChevsLife says
Yes, yes, yes!
TyrannyofPink says
Milo says
You are officially my new blogger crush!
TyrannyofPink says
You have officially just made my day!
Luchae Williams says
“Do the things that you want to do. Be good at the things you love.” – YES! These are things I am planning to instill in my daughter. Thank you for writing this post Jonelle!
TyrannyofPink says
I’m so glad you enjoyed this post! I wish I had learned these things earlier in life instead of trying to live everyone else’s idea of what my life should look like. You couldn’t give your daughter a better gift Luchae! xx