Being yourself is a daily struggle, a daily battle we fight against ourselves, against those around us. We are surrounded by rules. How to live, how to be, what to do and when. We take lunch, when we are told we can and go home at an hour dictated to us by the rules. We…
Authentic Living
The only way to thrive, is to live authentically!
When I die, I want people to remember me for living a life that made me happy. I want my eulogy to be about the authentic way I lived instead of the things I amassed during my time. I want to be remembered by my son, for doing things my way, for following the path…
Believe it or not, I can be such a girly girl!
I’m a huge fan of girl nights and time spent with your friends so when Mandy-Lee Miller from Pregnant in Cape Town invited me to spend the day at Rouge Day Spa in Kenilworth with her and Maz from Caffeine and Fairydust, I said hell yeah! THEN I got stuck in the worst bloody traffic…