Once upon a time, I used to make New Years resolutions and every year, without fail, they would end up making me feel disappointed with myself. I never achieved my years resolutions and they were always vague shit like “exercise more” or “lose weight” and those pie in the sky type goals are destined for…
Being You
5 Questions to ask yourself before giving up everything and moving to a new city
As a new expat, I often find myself being asked many questions about moving abroad. I get sent messages from so many people who have seen me make the giant leap into the sunset and asked for various tips and advice, or just straight up questions, like can this moving company Roanoke help move things…
If You Want to Succeed, Be Prepared to Work for it!
There are so many people out there who don’t want to see you succeed. Those are the people you need to eliminate from your life. The ones who hold you back, who discourage you, who tell you it’s too hard and it isn’t possible. It is always possible. Life has this funny way of…