Lately, I feel like everywhere I turn there are people putting up with toxic relationships with people who do nothing but bring them down. There are people who actually thrive on bringing others down and causing chaos. You know the type of person, always causing drama and insulting people or acting superior. Everything they think…
Being You
5 things to do everyday to give yourself more “Me Time”
I read a quote that said, “you can’t pour from an empty cup” and it just resonated with me so strongly at this point in my life. Sometimes, as women we are expected to handle so much of everything. We’ve got to be model wives, brazen career women, role model mothers and still find time…
Whose expectations are you living up to?
It’s so easy to think we are living a life of our choosing without realising the external pressure that is being put on us. We go through our day-to-day lives thinking that we are doing what is best for us when the reality is, we are so used to hearing what we should be doing…