Gees, I write this but I’m sick to my stomach. This weekend has been all kinds of disgusting and honestly, I don’t even know how to process this. So many lives lost and for what? Ignorance? Supremacy? Stupidity? I don’t know. I keep thinking this is sick or maybe he is sick but then I…
Expat Adventures
Is Wellington child friendly?
One of the questions on any parents mind has to be “is the city I’m about to move to child friendly” because living in a city that doesn’t cater for kids, must make parenting 100% harder and let’s be honest, it’s hard enough! We moved to Wellington without ever having visited it and we were…
Happy New Year! | My word for 2019…
Once upon a time, I used to make New Years resolutions and every year, without fail, they would end up making me feel disappointed with myself. I never achieved my years resolutions and they were always vague shit like “exercise more” or “lose weight” and those pie in the sky type goals are destined for…