As I get older, I’d like to think I also get wiser. You learn things along the way, things you can’t help knowing. Silly things like what you like and what you don’t like as much. You learn about the things that make you laugh (not slapstick humour) and you learn about the things that…
The List – Paulo Coelho Books and Quotes I Love
Paulo Coelho at one point used to be my absolute go-to author. You know, in those times when you really need someone to tell you that you can do it and Coelho ALWAYS manages to do just that. I at one point owned every book ever written by the man and couldn’t wait for the…
How to make choices other people don’t agree with
Okay this is basically a no brainer. How do you make choices that are right for you but other people don’t agree with? You just say “F#CK IT” and you make them anyway. Life is too short to do what other people want you to do. Read this article I wrote about seeking approval. You just…