I didn’t always know if I wanted to be a parent. I thought the world can be so ugly that I wasn’t sure that I wanted to bring a new life into it. When I met my husband, that changed. I decided I wanted to have a family with him. When we started trying for…
Living with intention – Design a life you love!
So many of us spend our days coasting along through life just passing time from one day to the next. We go to jobs that pay us because we need the money, we see people we don’t really like but we’ve known a long time and we plod from one moment to the next because…
Love is not enough!
I see it happen all the time, for freaks sake, I’ve been there. I’ve been that person saying “but I love him” or “but we love each other” but looking back, the truth is, love is just not enough. It should be, it should make the world go round and all that fluff but…