Things are not always what they seem! That’s a fact. [bctt tweet=”Things are not always as they seem; the first appearance deceives many. Phaedrus #QOTD” username=”tyrannyofpink”] My friend Cass wrote a post on her blog Leather Jacket Foxes (how cool is this name?) about the difference between online and offline lives and I think you should read…
be you
Living with intention – Design a life you love!
So many of us spend our days coasting along through life just passing time from one day to the next. We go to jobs that pay us because we need the money, we see people we don’t really like but we’ve known a long time and we plod from one moment to the next because…
The Tyranny of Pink
As women, we are expected to be a certain way and do certain things. Anything outside of that is improper. We need to suck it up and accept that this is how it has “always been” as if that’s some excuse for letting it continue in the same way for all eternity still. You must…