Janis, one of my oldest best friends from school, was always destined to be someone – she always worked harder than anyone at achieving anything she set her mind to and although I was heartbroken when she told me she was moving all the way across the world. I knew she was chasing dreams and…
women who work
Meet Tracey: What it’s really like being a HypnoBirthing Facilitator.
If you read my blog or you know me at all, you will know that my son was born under extreme circumstances that resulted in an emergency C-Section. Like many women, I had this dream of a perfect birth. A natural birth where my child slips straight through the birth canal and with the…
The Tyranny of Pink
As women, we are expected to be a certain way and do certain things. Anything outside of that is improper. We need to suck it up and accept that this is how it has “always been” as if that’s some excuse for letting it continue in the same way for all eternity still. You must…