I promise you, it gets easier It’s not easy having a colostomy bag. Adapting to new changes. A whole new way of living. No one can tell you that it’s going to be easy. It’s not easy even for the strongest person. But I promise you, it will get easier! You will get used to it…
Being Resilient
I’ve been having an awful week – and it just got worse
SO depression is no joke. Everything in the world is wonderful but for some reason, there you are, sitting around crying. FOR. NO. GOOD. REASON. I have no idea what the actual fuck is going on in my mind this week. Work wise, everything was going SO well, my blog is going exactly how I want…
Is your fear of rejection holding you back from living a life you love?
I think one of the greatest challenges we face in the world today is being afraid to embrace what makes us awesome. The truth is, we have a serious fear of rejection and failure. The truth is, we will do so many things in our lives that we aren’t good at and we will no…