I danced with the devil last night. Alone in my room, I waited for you. My mouth began to taste of blood. I should have known. I should have felt the ice slip through my veins. I should have heard the screams that chilled the darkness. Time ticked by. Seconds dragging on for hours. With…
Reflections on Life
When people you love die
We grieve more for ourselves than for those who have died One of the only things guaranteed in this world is death and so it surprises me how unprepared we are as a species for when someone we love dies. We are often completely thrown without the slightest idea how to treat people who are…
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger I love this saying. I don’t know why but after the last five months it feels more true than ever. If you follow my blog, you will know what I’ve been going through. Life has been tough. If you don’t well in a nutshell, I gave birth…