Towards the end of February I wrote a post about Oden starting school and how terrified I was about it. I thought I’d give you a little update on how that went. Everyone at the school warned me that it would take him three weeks to fully settle into being at school but I underestimated…
The challenge of being raised as an independent woman in a patriarchal family!
My childhood was a constant battle between what is and what isn’t considered appropriate for a girl. I grew up to be that woman, living a constant battle between what is and what isn’t appropriate behaviour for a woman. I was raised to think independently and to be an independent woman. I was taught to pursue…
Mom totally overwhelmed! My new normal!
I’ve always been really good at handling stress. Honestly, I make to-do lists and I smash them like a boss. Lately, though, it’s something else. These last few days, I’m just overwhelmed. I swear, no amount of to-do lists, checklists or planning ahead can prepare you for when your child gets sick! I don’t mean…