All throughout my life I’ve had body issues. As a teenager I dressed in baggy clothing. Too afraid someone will see my body. I remember being a child and being made so painfully aware of the possibility of being raped, molested, touched inappropriately. By anyone. ANYONE could be the offender. Don’t trust ANYONE I’d be warned. As…
God? [November 2008]
I wrote this poem in 2008 after my dad died in a car accident. There is nothing great about the poem itself. It was just a 23-year-old who had lost her dad rambling onto a page. I was traumatised for a long time after he died. His death changed everything about me and who I…
How to improve your mental well-being with a simple to-do list
I don’t know about you but my anxiety starts to flare up when I don’t have a decent plan of action for the week ahead in place. Everything just feels completely overwhelming and I don’t even want to get out of bed because I can’t bear the thought of starting the day. [bctt tweet=”Planning my…