When I was pregnant with my son Oden, I was permanently on a mission to find my baby a beautiful mobile that he could stare up at and be carried away to happy places. Of course his dad had other ideas that included Star Wars characters hanging above my little baby. In the end, neither…
follow your dreams
What do you want out of your life?
Every now and then it’s important to look in the mirror and ask yourself that big question. [bctt tweet=”Am I living a fulfilled life? #BeUnapologeticallyYou” username=”tyrannyofpink”] We all start out with an idea of where we want to end up “some day”, but how many of us take a step back from our adult lives…
Why blogging keeps me sane in the craziest of times!
I started this blog two years ago when I decided I’d had enough of working for other people. I up and quit my job and found myself at home with lots of time to spare. My husband and I went on a road trip to celebrate being done with that part of my life and…