So many of us spend our days coasting along through life just passing time from one day to the next. We go to jobs that pay us because we need the money, we see people we don’t really like but we’ve known a long time and we plod from one moment to the next because that’s what is required.
What if I told you there was a better way to live?
What if I told you that a fulfilled life involved making the decision to be present in your life. To choose the things that matter to you and to do those things. To spend every single day living in a way that is aligned with your values and that matters to you. Living intentionally.
[bctt tweet=”Intentional living is the art of making our own choices before others’ choices make us. ― Richie Norton” username=”tyrannyofpink”]
That’s exactly what intentional living is.
Intentional living is a lifestyle based on values that matter to us and a conscious attempt to live in accordance with those values. It’s about knowing what you do and doing what you do with that purpose in mind. So every single day and every action is in line with what you believe in.
We need to actively participate in our lives instead of just letting life happen to us. Instead of just coasting by, we need to actively pursue a way of living through our day-to-day actions that brings us happiness.
We are faced with choices every single day and all of those choices lead us to the next part of our lives. If we don’t make decisions that are in line with our values, we find ourselves floating down stream without any real purpose.
To live with intention, you need to be aware of what matters to you and you need to make sure that your actions are in line with those values and purpose.
My journey to here
Just over a year ago, I went into hospital to have a baby and spent the next year recovering from complications that arose. I had multiple surgeries and had a life changing experience. What I walked away with, was the absolute certainty that my life from that moment on, would be one that mattered to me. I decided to stop spending my time doing things that I did not feel added to my purpose. I stopped associating with people who were not in line with my journey. I made the conscious decision to pursue my goals and live a life that was valuable.
[bctt tweet=”When your intentions are pure, so too will be your success. ― Charles F. Glassman” username=”tyrannyofpink”]
And that’s where my life is now. I spend my days doing the things I love, I feel fulfilled and I know that the life I’m living is one that I have chosen. One that I choose every day. The actions that I make on a daily basis are always in line with my values and fundamental beliefs and I refuse to do anything outside of that sphere.
Of course it hasn’t always been easy but if you know what your values are in life, it makes it a lot easier to steer your life in the right direction. It becomes much easier to purse your passions and fulfil your goals. Intention is the underlining factor in a happy and fulfilled life.
Live with intention and your life will be fulfilled.
So start today, define what your values are. Ask yourself what matters to you and start aligning your actions with those values by living with intention. Build a life that you don’t need a vacation from. Starting today…
[bctt tweet=”It is intent which establishes one’s consequential outcomes. ― T.F. Hodge” username=”tyrannyofpink”]
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Enricoh Alfonzo says
Blimey! sorry to hear about the complications of your pregnancy. Hope you’re all better now.
#TrueStory the mind is impressively powerful and when we set an intention towards positivity, it can make all the difference.
I love how your stated that life is filled with choices every Single day… Most people think their lives or lack of success is based on BIG decisions. It’s those little choices that matter most, they compound.
TyrannyofPink says
Thank you! Yup, not the greatest entry into mommyhood but I made it and that’s what counts. My grandfather always used to say “watch the pennies and the pounds take care of themselves” and I think life is the same… all those tiny moments is what makes up your life. Every now and then we have a big moment but we can’t live only for those moments! I am totally back to normal now (just a little scarred up but that’s okay) thank you <3